Award-winning Dance
The premier place of study for both the recreational and pre-professional dancer. Ballet, Pointe, Jazz, Tap, Lyrical, Hip Hop, Contemporary Jazz and Technique
Cutting-edge Fitness
Spinning, Pilates and Pilates Barre, Zumba, Kickbox Intervals, Tabata Style Intervals, Hour of Power, and so much more…
Space Rental
Rent any of our studio spaces and host your private fitness event or a night out for your friends…
2024-2025 Fall Dance Info Coming Soon!
Give us a call or stop up and see us!
Our passion for dance
Education does not end at the classroom
Studio 82 is currently home to more than 400 recreational and pre-professional dancers. Since its inception, Studio 82 has provided accomplished professional dancers to train and teach these students. Past faculty members have included Ineke Anderson, Matt Gasper, Nancy Greyeyes, and Mark Otloski of the Cleveland San Jose Ballet; international dancers Artour Bajanov, Pamela Langevin, and James Robey; Ohio Ballet member, Amy Miller; and many of Akron University’s top dance Faculty members and graduates.
Studio 82 believes that dance education does not end at the local classroom. With that in mind, we continue to bring top name choreographers and teachers to our facility, as well as taking our students to New York and LA to experience classes in some of the foremost recognized studios in the country. Studio 82 dancers also attend nationally recognized competitions and conventions.
Studio 82 dance graduates are currently working in New York and LA, for National Touring Companies, teaching at studios in New York and throughout the country, choreographing and performing for NBA dance teams, studying at some of the country’s top collegiate dance programs and performing with collegiate dance teams.
Learn more about our dance instruction…
Our dance groups
Something for every age and experience level…
Dazzle Dance Club
Dazzle Dance Club is for any dancer ages 6-10 looking for additional dance opportunities without the financial or time commitment of our competitive program.
Learn more about Dazzle Dance Club

Dynamic Dance Force (DDF)
Comprised of dancers ranging in age from 6-18, these dancers commit anywhere from six to fifteen plus hours of time to their study of dance. As part of its mission to educate dancers through this program, Dynamic Dance Force members participate in workshops and training throughout the year. They travel regionally and out of state to train with some of the nation’s top teachers and choreographers at conventions held throughout the country.
Learn more about DDF

Jazz Energy
The Jazz Energy Dancers have been in existence for over 28 years. This group has developed a reputation as one of Northeast Ohio’s most recognizable dance groups. The group is comprised of dancers who have excelled to a pre-professional level of dance and have aspirations of taking it to the next level. These girls are committed to challenge themselves and make dance a priority in their lives.
Learn more about Jazz Energy…